Example: Delectus illum omnis aut architecto accusantium est rerum minus reprehenderit molestiae unde aut omnis sint excepturi alias nobis fuga fugiat quia impedit laborum voluptatem debitis voluptatibus temporibus.
Example: Atque nihil ex accusamus id.
Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition
Jeunes Sommeliers Competition
Chapitre Frankfurt
Induction Ceremony and Gala Dîner
April 7th 2025
A Grand Chapitre will be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 11th to the 13th of April 2025. The Induction Ceremony will be held at the Helier Oceania and will be presided over by Norm Harrison Bailli Delegue Australia and Membre du Conseil Magistral and Commandeur.
The three-day event will feature some of Auckland and New Zealand's finest restaurants.
Program: 2025 New Zealand Grand Chapitre programme.docx